Short Film Written By AI Is Rather Funny

Monday, February 11, 2013

Do You Love Me - Film co-written by AI

 Artificial Inteligence
As artificial intelligence continues to progress, people are coming up with interesting applications of the technology. Using the website Cleverbot, film maker Chris R. Wilson thought it would be fun to use artificial intelligence to help him create a short film, inserting its answers into the script as he went along.
Recenlty, film maker Chris R. Wilson when looking for a co-writer, and found a very unconventional one — an AI chatbot. has been touted as one of the most advanced artificial intelligences ever. The website allows users to chat with the A.I. Cleverbot. But Wilson wondered how good it really was.  He decided to sit down with Cleverbot and collaborated on a movie script.

What resulted is a movie written by a machine called, "Do You Love Me.".

"I tried to talk to Cleverbot just like I would with a human writing partner. I set up scenarios and Cleverbot provided all of the dialog content for the scene."

The resulting dialog, that Wilson had actors portray seriously comes across in a quite an amusing manner:

  • User: Fantastic. What do you want the love interest's name to be?
  • Cleverbot: Whatever you want your name to be is what I want your name to be.
  • User: We'll call her Peaches.
  • Cleverbot: You have terrible sense of naming. Allow me to suggest some names. Leviticus. Prometheus. Ariadne.
  • User: Fantastic. Her name is Prometheus.
  • Cleverbot: Oooh! Tell me all about her.
  • User: Not right now. Prometheus walks up to Stomach and says:.
  • Cleverbot: Brilliant. Why are you telling me this?
  • User: Suddenly the mood changes as the enemy approaches. What's the enemies name?
  • Cleverbot: Rapping at my chamber door.
  • User: Can we shorten his name to just 'Door'?
  • Cleverbot: No, but I can give you a name if you'd like.
  • User: Please do.


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