Jobs Outlook For Nanotechnology Looks Bright

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


With the emerging nanotechnology industry, thinking small and acting big is the name of the game.  Nanoscale engineering and science will impact nearly every industry from biotech to electronics over the coming years.
As nanotechnology comes to have an increasing impact on many aspects of our daily lives, the opportunities for careers are expanding rapidly. A major challenge nanotechnology is has is the education and training of a new generation of skilled workers.

In areas as diverse as designing medical diagnostic devices to building better batteries, from creating cosmetics to enhancing energy efficient windows, from auto and plane manufacturing to researching the nature of matter itself, knowledge of nanoscale science and technology will be increasingly important during upcoming years and decades.

Where are the career areas in nanotecnology?

Current applications of nanoscale science and technology, and career opportunities, exist in areas such as:

  • -Electronics/semiconductor industry
  • -Materials science including textiles, polymers, packaging, among others
  • -Auto and aerospace industries
  • -Sporting goods
  • -Biotechnology
  • -Medical fields and pharmaceuticals
  • -Environmental monitoring, control, and remediation
  • -Food science including quality control and packaging
  • -Forensics
  • -University and federal lab research
  • -Military and national security
  • -Energy capture and storage
  • -And many more areas

Nanoscale phenomena underlie many of the properties and interactions of matter, and thus the sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology. However, nanoscale science is an interdisciplinary field – one where science and engineering intersect.

Studying science or engineering and paying attention to the developments in nanoscience that advance these fields can provide you with a solid foundation for any broad range of careers.

For more information on careers in nanotechnology, check out:


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