Ayanna Howard On Making Robots Smarter

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

There are three major rules that we want our robots to follow: do not harm a human, obey us, and protect us. The prerequisite for these rules? We need to make robots smarter. Dr. Ayanna Howard explains how robots can become smarter (hint: it is related to how smart we humans are).
Dr. Ayanna Howard is an educator, researcher, and innovator. Her academic career is highlighted by her focus on technology development for robots that must interact with and in a human-centered world, as well as on the education and mentoring of students in the engineering and computing fields.

Dr. Howard has made significant contributions in the technology areas of artificial intelligence, computer vision, and robotics. Her published research, currently numbering over 100 peer-reviewed publications, has been widely disseminated in international journals and conference proceedings, and supported by NASA, National Science Foundation, and branches of industry.

She continues to produce novel research and ideas focused on applications that span from assistive robots in the home to remote robotic exploration of extreme environments. By working at NASA before entering the academic world, she brings a unique perspective to the academic environment.

Currently, Dr. Howard is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

According to Howard, there are three major rules that we want our robots to follow: do not harm a human, obey us, and protect us. The prerequisite for these rules? We need to make robots smarter.

In this brief TEDEd Talk. Howard explains how robots can become smarter (hint: it is related to how smart we humans are). —

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