3D Print Your Own Humanoid Robot

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

InMoov Humanoid Robot

Thingiverse maker 'hairygael' has been working on building robot InMoov since early 2012. He began with building up a right hand, which was designed in Blender and printed on a 3D Touch in ABS. After many times of design and redesign, hairygael has made a lot of progress. Step by step he added shoulder, head, brain and voice command to the robot InMoov.
The advent of 3D printing is also contributing to the advancement of robotics.  The Roboy project is using 3D printed parts to create their robot child and the technology is also letting robot hobbyists create great work.

For instance, Thingiverse user hairygael has been working on buildingt an animatronic robot InMoov since early 2012.

He began with building up a right hand, which was designed in Blender and printed on a 3D Touch in ABS. After many versions of design and redesign, hairygael has made a lot of progress. Step by step he added shoulder, head, brain and voice command to the robot InMoov. —

InMoov is designed to be a robot you can 3D print and animate. If you have 3D printer access, and some building skills, you can follow hairygael's steps to build up your own.

InMoov Robot Hand

You can build the robot, including two adult size robot arms, with individually-actuated fingers, for around US $900 dollars. You'll need to download and print parts for the left and right arm, with the head and neck still to come. You'll also need these electronics components:
  • -Arduino uno x2
  • -MG995 / HK2598 servos x12
  • -Hitec HS805BB servos x8
  • -0.8mm nylon thread (fishing line)
  • -miscellaneous bolts
  • -3 kg natural ABS filament (various colors)
  • -6V 44A Batteries and charger

InMoov 3D Printed Humanoid Robot

"Working as a sculptor modelmaker for Factices Ateliers, in the real physical world, this is my contribution to the OpenSource 3D world." noted hairygael.

InMoov Robot Arm

InMoov Specs:
  • -Weight: 4280 grams
  • -Actuators / output devices: 12 servos MG995, 12 Hitec 805BB
  • -Control method: Motion pattern, keyboard, Joystick
  • -CPU: Arduino
  • -Operating system: Windows, Macintosh OSX, Linux
  • -Power source: 6V 44A
  • -Programming language: Serialterm, MyRobotLab, Arduino sketch
You can follow the progress of this project and download the printable parts at:



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